Dedifferentiated chondrosarcoma with t(9;22)(q34;q 11-12)

Translocation t(9;22)(q22‐31;q 1 1‐12) is associated with the myxoid variant of chondrosarcorma We present here a report of a patient with a dedifferentiated grade IV chondrosarcorna, which originated from the iliac bone and contained areas of grade I chondrosarcoma There was no evidence of myxoid differentiation. The tumor had the karyotype 46,X,‐X,t(9;22)(q34;q 1 1 ‐12). + mar[5]/52‐61,x?,2‐3dmin,inc[9]/46,XX[2]. It is possible that the different breakpoints in the t(9;22) may reflect different histopathologic subgroups of chondrosarcoma. Genes Chrom Cancer 9:136‐140 (1994).