Slow dynamics of structure and fluctuations in supercooled colloidal fluids

The importance of the dynamic singularity of the self-diffusion coefficient DS[1Φ(x,t)/φg]2 in the coupled diffusion equations recently proposed, the nonlinear deterministic diffusion equation for the average local volume fraction Φ(x,t) and the linear stochastic diffusion equation for the density fluctuations δn(x,t), is emphasized for understanding the slow dynamical behavior of concentrated hard-sphere suspensions, where φg=(4/3)3/(7ln38ln2+2) is the colloidal glass transition volume fraction. It is shown that there exists a crossover volume fraction φβ, over which Φ(x,t) describes the formation of long-lived, irregularly shaped domains with Φ(x,t)>~φg, and δn(x,t) describes two-step relaxations with time scales, tβ(1φ/φg)1, and tα(1φ/φg)2, where φ is the volume fraction of spheres. Thus the slow dynamics of a supercooled hard-sphere colloidal fluid (φβ<~φ<φg) is explored from a unified viewpoint.