A single electric pulse was applied to various subcortical structures and its effect upon the evoked potential of the lateral geniculate body (the LGD response) to a single test pulse applied to the optic tract was investigated in the cat. The interval between both stimuli was 100 msec and the test stimulus used was submaximal. Conditioning stimulation of any part of the brain stem reticular formation, mesencephalic or bulbar, caused augmentation of the LGD response. All cortical relay nuclei in the thalamus were ineffective. The so-called association nuclei which project to the association areas of the cortex were almost ineffective. N. centrum medianum (CM) and N. centralis lateralis (CL) were found facilitatory, the effectiveness being about 70 per cent of that of the reticular formation. N, ventralis anterior (VA) was the sole inhibitory area found in the present experiment. Forel''s fields (H1, H2), Zona incerta (ZI) and N. subthalamicus (STh) were found as effective as CM and CL. N. ruber (NR) was also slightly effective.

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