Two Computer Models for Selection of Optimal Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) Pulse Sequence Timing

Two computer modeling techniques have been developed that aid in the selection of optimal magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) pulse sequences and timing intervals for specific clinical situations. The “parameter sensitivity” technique provides a means of selecting three separate MRI scans which are individually sensitive to changes in each of the three NMR tissue parameters N, T1, and T2. The “contrast” technique allows selection of a single optimal MRI sequence using the expected changes in all three tissue parameters simultaneously. Excellent correlation is demonstrated between the models and images obtained in a normal volunteer and in a patient with multiple sclerosis. The two methods compliment each other; the parameter sensitivity method is most useful in situations where subtle changes in tissue parameters are expected, whereas the contrast method is suited to circumstances where large differences in tissue parameters are anticipated and the magnitude and direction of these changes are known.