Meson-exchange enhancement of the first-forbiddenYg96(0)96Zrg(0+)βtransition:βdecay of the low-spin isomer ofY96

We have investigated the 0 Yg96 β decay to the levels of Zr96. A detailed decay scheme comprised of 63 γ rays and 44 energy levels has been obtained from γ singles, γ multispectral scaling, and γ-γ and E0-γ coincidences. Qβ was measured using the β-γ coincidence technique, while absolute E0 and γ-ray intensities were obtained from singles conversion electron and γ-ray spectra measured at beam saturation. The high sensitivity of the study was aimed at investigating the β feeding of levels with excitation enegy above 4 MeV. Although most of the new levels were found in this region, their total β feeding was found to be below 0.6%. The first-forbidden β-decay rate for 0 Yg960+ Zrg96 has been calculated within the framework of the spherical shell model using a model space of π(0f7/2,0f5/2,1p3/2,1p1/2,0g9/2) 1p1/2,0g9/2)ν (0g7/2,1d5/2,1d3/2,2s1/2) with limitations on the orbit occupancies. Additional evidence for meson enhancement of the timelike component of the axial current is obtained; the meson-exchange enhancement factor was found to be 1.75±0.30, where the uncertainty arises from the calculation.