C-banding analysis of six species of lung flukes,Paragonimus spp. (Trematoda: Platyhelminthes), from Japan and Korea

We examined C-banded karyotypes of six species of lung flukes from Japan and Korea; diploid and triploidParagonimus westermani, P. miyazakii, P. ohirai, P. iloktsuenensis andP. sadoensis, with special reference to their karyotypic diversification. C-band analysis between the diploid and the triploidwestermani revealed that two of three homologues of the triploid resembled those of the diploid in C-band pattern, while the remaining chromosome showed a different pattern from any species examined here. This karyological evidence indicates that the triploid is allotriploid probably induced by interspecific hybridization between the diploidwestermani and an unknown species; we, therefore, suggest that the triploidwestermani is an independent species and synonymous withP. pulmonalis (Miyazaki 1978). As the morphologically similar three species,ohirai, iloktsuenensis andsadoensis, had the same C-band polymorphism in chromosome No. 4, these species are classified as the local races ofP. ohirai. Paragonimus miyazakii has one common C-band (5q) with the diploidwestermani, but other bands (1q, 4q, 6q, 7p and 7q) are different. From these observations, the six species examined are phylogenetically divided into three groups: (1)westermani group containing diploid and triploid (=pulmonalis) species, (2)miyazakii and (3)ohirai including two geographic races,iloktsuenensis and sadoensis.