Leptoproduction ofJ/ψ

1S0)i and hO J/ 8 ( 3P0)i . A comparison with preliminary data from the H1 collaboration shows that leading order color-octet mechanisms agree with the measured total cross section for Q2 > 4m2c, while the color-singlet model underpredicts the cross section by a factor of 5. The NRQCD factorization formalism of Bodwin, Braaten, and Lepage1 has emerged as a new paradigm for computing the production and decay rates of heavy quarkonia. This formalism provides a rigorous theoret- ical framework which systematically incorporates rela- tivistic corrections and ensures the infrared safety of per- turbative calculations.2 In the NRQCD factorization for- malism, cross sections for the production of a quarkonium state H are written as �(H) = X n cn(�s,mQ) md n−4 Q h 0|OH