Surgical Management of Reflux Gastritis

Reflux gastritis is now recognized with increasing frequency as a complication following operations on the stomach which either remove, alter, or bypass the pyloric phincter mechanism. The entity may occasionally occur as a result of sphincter dysfunction in the patient who has not undergone prior gastric surgery. The diagnosis is made on the basis of symptoms (postprandial pain, bilious vomiting and weight loss), gastroscopic examination with biopsy and persistent hypochlorhydria. Remedial operation for correction of reflux is indicated in the presence of persistent symptoms when conservative measures fail. Only operative procedures which divert duodenal contents from the stomach or gastric remnant are effective. Both the isoperistaltic jejunal segment (Henley loop) and the Roux-en-Y diversion have been effective as remedial operations for reflux gastritis and merit greater awareness by gastroenterologists and surgeons. Our choice is the Roux-en-Y because of its technical simplicity and lower morbidity rate.