Estimation of High-Polymer Excluded Volume from Numerical Studies on Short Chains

The mean‐square length 〈R2 of a polymer molecule composed of n segments is assumed to behave asymptotically as 〈Rn2〉 ∼ An1+ε for large n , where A is a constant and ε takes into account the excluded‐volume effect. This paper compares calculations of 〈Rn2 for the model of a polymethylene chain without excluded volume studied by Flory and Jerigan with the model of a polymer as a self‐avoiding walk on a crystal lattice which has been studied by the method of exact enumeration developed by Domb. For the first model ε = 0 , whereas for the second, which includes the excluded‐volume effect, ε = 15 . It is shown using the extrapolation technique of Neville tables that the exact‐enumeration method correctly predicts ε = 0 for the Flory–Jernigan model. However, the rate of convergence is very much slower than comparable calculations using the fcc lattice and taking account of excluded volume.