The In Vitro Effects of N-Substituted p -Aminobenzoic Acid Derivatives upon Sulfonamides

A series of p-aminobenzoic acid derivatives was prepared in which various alkyl groups were substituted in the N-position. The compounds included p-alkylaminobenzoic acids, methyl p-alklylaminobenzoates, ethyl p-alkylaminobenzoates, and p-alkylaminobenzamides. Dilutions ranging from 1:1000 to 1:10,000,000 of each of the above compounds were tested in the presence of 20 mg.% of either sulfanilamide, sulfadi-azine, sulfathiazole, or sulfapyridine against Streptococcus hemolyticus C203 in a broth medium. Tests were also made in a synthetic medium against Escherichia coli. Ethylation or butylation of p-aminobenzoic acid brought about a marked decrease in its antagonism toward sulfonamides, N-substituted p-aminobenzoates and p-aminobenzamides failed to exhibit antisulfonamide action.

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