The specificity of the enzyme which synthesizes ribo-flavinyl glucoside was investigated in an attempt to assess the physiological significance of this derivative of riboflavin. It is possible that the enzyme has both transglucosidase and glu-cosidase activities. The transglucosidase synthesizes gluco-sides of several isoalloxazine derivatives, many of which are antivitamins. Certain specificity requirements were defined for the glucose donor and for the flavin acceptor. The quantitative characteristics of the formation of riboflavinyl glucoside from riboflavin and maltose were investigated, and the inhibition of this reaction by alpha-D-glucose 1-phosphate was shown to be competitive. The solubility of riboflavinyl glucoside in water is much greater than the solubility of riboflavin, and it is suggested that this may be of importance in the transport of riboflavin.