Genetical analysis of microspore derived plants of barley (Hordeum vulgare)

From an F1 hybrid between the two barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) cultivars ‘Golden Promise’ and ‘Mazurka’ a series of doubled haploid (DH) lines were generated both from microspores by anther culture and from immature zygotic embryos after hybridization withH. bulbosum. The DH lines from both sources were used to monitor the segregation of the five major genes, rachilla hair length, DDT susceptibility, height, C hordein polymorphism and mildew resistance. Whereas the microspore-derived samples showed significant departures from the expected 1∶1 ratio for three of the five genes, theH. bulbosum lines showed deviation for only one gene. Analysis of linkage data also showed differences between the two series of DH lines. Cytogenetic analysis revealed a mean chiasma frequency in theH. bulbosum lines which was very similar to the F1 hybrid. In contrast, four of the ten microspore derived lines examined showed a reduced chiasma frequency. One showed evidence of translocation heterozygosity.