Motivational Strategies Used by Dietitians to Counsel Individuals With Diabetes

The purposes of this study were to determine the use and perceived effectiveness of motivational strategies used by dietitians and to evaluate dietitians' perceptions of barriers to client compliance. A three-part questionnaire with 32 motivational strategies, 16 barriers to adherence, and demographic information was designed and mailed to 862 members of the American Dietetic Association's Diabetes Care and Education Dietetic Practice Group. Statistical analyses included frequency distributions, chi-square analysis, and factor analysis. Only 13 of the 32 motivational strategies were used frequently by 50% or more of the dietitians. The main strategy based on perceived effectiveness was "Tailor the diet to the client's lifestyle. " Strategies perceived as effective also were used frequently by a majority of the dietitians. There were differences in use of strategies based on practice setting, CDE certification, and education level. The most significant barrier to adherence was "Complications with lifestyle/competing demands. " Factor analysis revealed nine factors for motivational strategies and five factors for barriers to adherence.