Effects of Large-Scale Metalimnetic Migration Events on Phosphorus Dynamics In a North-Temperate Reservoir

In Eau Galle Reservoir, Wisconsin, early in the stratified period of 1982, hypolimnetic anoxia developed, soluble reactive phosphorus concentrations increased above the profundal sediment surface, and internal total phosphorus loading was high. Shortly thereafter, the passage of a cold front with high wind power resulted in mixing and a pronounced descent of the metalimnion. During this event, previously anoxic water within the metalimnion and upper hypolimnion became reoxygenated, internal total phosphorus loading declined to a minimum, and a loss of total phosphorus mass occurred from the metalimnion and hypolimnion. Total phosphorus mass in the epilimnion remained constant during this period. A similar pattern occurred during a large, wind-driven migration of the metalimnion in early August. During such events, phosphorus sedimentation rates increased in the hypolimnion, reflecting the loss of total phosphorus mass from the water column. In contrast, other investigations of lakes have reported that phosphorus is entrained into the epilimnion during metalimnetic migrations, rather than lost through sedimentation. Phosphorus sedimentation during large metalimnetic migration events in Eau Galle Reservoir may occur because previously anoxic water containing iron becomes reoxygenated, causing the coprecipitation and sedimentation of oxidized iron and phosphorus.