Virus-neutralizing Antibodies to Hepatitis B Virus: The Nature of an Immunogenic Epitope on the S Gene Peptide

Summary Using a murine monoclonal antibody (RF-HBs-1) which has been shown to be capable of neutralizing both ad and ay subtypes of hepatitis B virus (HBV), we have devised a competitive inhibition assay to measure the presence of virus-neutralizing antibodies in the sera of patients who have recovered from acute type B hepatitis. The majority of patients have this antibody in their serum. We also show that this antibody inhibits the binding of polymerized human serum albumin (pHSA) to the pHSA receptor site of the HBV particle, which has been proposed as an important site for the entry of HBV into liver cells. We have demonstrated that the epitope recognized by this antibody is dependent on the linkage of 24000 and 28000 mol. wt. polypeptides via a disulphide bond. This conformational determinant in the coat of the virus which is part of or near to the pHSA binding site is important in evoking a virus-neutralizing response.