P53 and Ki‐67 Immunoreactivity in Human Prostate Cancer and Benign Hyperplasia

Summary— Mutation of the p53 gene is one of the commonest genetic abnormalities found in solid human tumours. This gene is probably concerned with the control of cellular proliferation and in view of this we carried out a study of human prostate cancer and benign prostatic hyperplasia, comparing the expression of mutated p53 with measurement of growth fractions as assessed by staining with Ki‐67.A series of 29 patients with prostate cancer (CaP) were compared with 34 men with benign hyperplasia (BPH); 22 of 29 prostate cancers (76%) contained Ki‐67 immunoreactivity compared with 10 of 34 (29%) BPH. With respect to p53 staining, significantly more prostate cancers (17%) were stained than BPH (0%). The mean Ki‐67 score in cancers positive for p53 (4.3%) was greater than that found in cancers negative for p53 (1.2%), but no statistically significant relationship was found between tumour grade and Ki‐67 staining. The use of Ki‐67 and p53 staining may allow identification of tumours with a higher rate of cell growth and may permit development of prognostic factors.