The rubro‐cerebellar projection has been studied in the cat with the methods of Nauta and Glees following stereotactically placed lesions in the red nucleus. A description of the intracerebellar nuclei is given in which an attempt has been made to define precisely the limits of each nucleus. The rubro‐cerebellar fibers terminate in the contralateral nucleus interpositus anterior (NIA). It cannot be decided whether the nucleus interpositus posterior (NIP) receives some fibers, but no fibers pass to the medical and lateral nuclei. A somatotopical pattern appears to be present in the projection. Rubrocerebellar fibers are thin and probably terminate in the neuropil. This fiber system is the only direct link known between the red nucleus and the cerebellum. The total number of fibers is small. Probably the fibers are collaterals from the rubrospinal tract fibers and subserve a feedback function between the red nucleus and the cerebellum.