The endocrine pancreas of Alligator mississippiensis

Immunocytochemical methods for light and electron microscopy were used to demonstrate the regulatory peptides present in the endocrine pancreas of thealligator, Alligator mississippiensis.The peptides studied included insulin, glucagon (pancreatic and enteric), somatostatin, pancreatic polypeptide (avian, bovine and human), vasoactive intestinal polypeptide, substance P, metenkephalin, β-endorphin, C-terminal gastrin/CCK and gastric inhibitory polypeptide. Endocrine cells were detected using antisera to insulin, pancreatic glucagon, somatostatin and avian pancreatic polypeptide, whereas peptidergic nerves were stained with antisera to vasoactive intestinal polypeptide. All other antisera were unreactive in the alligator pancreas. The peptide-containing structures were identified ultrastructurally by both the semithin/thin and immuno-gold methods. The results showed that five of the regulatory peptides commonly detected in the mammalian pancreas were immunologically recognisable in the alligator. In addition, the ultrastructural appearance of the peptide-containing cells was clearly distinct from that reported in mammals.