Evidence for Heavy-Particle Production Processes at Energies above 2×1011eV

Cosmic-ray flux measurements in the energy region 1010-1014 eV obtained by calorimeters on the satellites Proton I and II have shown results that are at variance with previous data. While a single power law provides an approximate fit to the all-particle spectrum, the primary proton flux falls sharply at energies above ∼5×1011 eV, indicating that at high energies protons become progressively scarcer in the primary flux. The cross section for particle production by protons on carbon is found to rise by 20% in the interval between 2×1010 and 1012 eV. Assuming that, in the energy region of interest, (1) the real proton flux is given by a single power law, and (2) the nuclear composition remains constant, we show that the satellite flux measurements can be explained by an energy-loss mechanism in the calorimeter, the loss being a function of the energy per nucleon rather than the total energy. Furthermore, this "X" process has a cross section of the right magnitude to account for the p-carbon cross-section measurements. The X process could be described in terms of particle production or dissociation of the primary protons.