Toward a culturally anchored ecological framework of research in ethnic‐cultural communities

Proposed a research framework (the “cube” model) in which community psychologists working in ethnic‐cultural communities can make appropriate decisions on conceptual and methodological issues from a culturally anchored, ecological‐contextualist perspective. The intent of the model is to articulate ethnic‐cultural heterogeneity in community research by elucidating three metamethodological issues: (a) definition of an ethnic‐cultural community, (b) applicability of cross‐cultural theories and methods to ethnic‐cultural community research, and (c) geographical or ecological stability of an ethnic‐cultural community. The model posits that ethnic‐cultural community research can be conceptualized as a three‐dimensional structure that represents an interaction among research questions, methods, and cultural complexity (referring to the extent to which an ethnic‐cultural group is defined in a larger ecological context or community both at the individual and collective levels). Future directions for research were discussed in terms of the utility and the limitations of the proposed research model.