Oral health status and treatment needs in long‐term medicine patients in a Copenhagen hospital department

Oral heath and dental treatment needs were investigated in 50 randomly selected long-term medicine patients admitted to the Glostrup Hospital, University of Copenhagen, Glostrup, Denmark. All the patients were clinically and radiologically examined. Oral health generally was poor. Two-thirds (66%) of the patients were totally edentulous, 24% partially edentulous. Only 10% were dentate with no dentures. The number of remaining teeth per patient average 4.7, that of caries destructed teeth 1.4. All 17 patients with remaining teeth had periodontal disease, and 13 suffered from caries. Alveolar ridge atrophy, periapical inflammation, root remnants, impacted teeth and oral mucosal lesions were demonstrated in, respectively, 80, 22, 24, 8 and 26% of the group. In total, 82% of the patients needed some kind of treatment, mainly prosthetic and oral surgery. The estimated total treatment time per patient averaged 165 min.