Many-electron theory of x-ray photoelectron spectra:N-shell linewidths in thePd46toU92range

The linewidths and energies of 4d holes (main lines in x-ray photoelectron spectra) are calculated for a number of elements in the range Yb70 to U92, with use of nonrelativistic atomic many-body theory. The nonrelativistic Hartree-Fock frozen-core approximation for one-electron wave functions and Auger energies gives very good agreement with experiment. In the case of 4s and 4p holes, the Auger (in particular, super-Coster-Kronig) energies have to be calculated with inclusion of relaxation and relativistic effects. Combined with frozen-core, nonrelativistic one-electron wave functions, this gives good agreement with experimental energies and widths for 4s and 4p holes in Hg80. In conclusion, it is very important to include the effects of two final-state holes on the Auger electron, as well as the polarization response which screens the Auger emission matrix element. This latter effect is largely equivalent to the so-called exchange interaction between the Auger electron and the final-state holes.