Natural origin of inflation within a class of supersymmetric preon models

Derivation of a desired potential for implementing the idea of new inflation from an underlying theory of particle physics has so far remained a challenging task in that it requires unusually small quartic coupling (∼1013±1) and an even smaller mass term for the relevant field (the inflaton) in units of its true vacuum expectation value. It is shown that a class of viable locally supersymmetric preon models naturally give rise to the desired potential for a composite field ΔR commonly used as a Higgs field to break left-right symmetry and B-L, so that ΔR can serve as the inflaton. We show that both the quartic coupling and the mass of ΔR vanish in the limit of supersymmetry, U(1)X, U(1)V and gauge invariance. Radiative corrections, in the presence of soft supersymmetry-breaking mass terms, which arise dynamically in the model, give rise to a miniscule quartic coupling and a negligible mass for ΔR, just as desired. This turns out to be the case in spite of the fact that ΔR is a gauge nonsinglet.