Inelastic neutron scattering study of quartz near the incommensurate phase transition

Inelastic neutron spectra of B quartz were recorded at various temperatures, using triple axis neutron spectrometry. Our observations confirm the existence of a very low-lying phonon branch along the ⟨1,0,0⟩ directions, which exhibits a marked temperature dependence, in particular near the Brillouin zone center. This branch is very anisotropic in the (0,0,1) plane. Within the B phase a maximum of quasi elastic scattering is observed for q ≃ 0.03a*, premonitory to the appearance of satellite reflexions in the modulated phase. In addition, a transverse acoustic mode exhibits an anisotropic behaviour which is attributed to a coupling with the soft-mode. The results are consistent with a phenomenological model of the incommensurate phase transition and with a lattice dynamical model involving rigid SiO4 tetrahedra motions.