Inheritance of Haptoglobin Types in 51 Japanese Families

Data from the study of 51 families are given with regard to the inheritance of haptoglobln types. The results are mostly consistent with the genetic hypothesis offered by Smithies and Walker, with the exception of two instances of atypical segregation occurring in one kindred. This finding may probably be best explained by assuming the presence of an inert allele, Hp[degree], at the Hp locus. Another family was found to contain individuals with little or no demonstrable haptoglobins. It is suggested that congenital ahaptogloblnemla is a phenotyplc manifestation of several, at least three, different genotypes. There was neither association nor close linkage between the locus for haptoglobln types and those controlling ABO-, MN-, Rh-blood groups and the Lea red cell antigen.

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