Computer Navigation of Parapedicular Screw Fixation in the Thoracic Spine

An in vitro study to investigate the advantages of computer assistance for the purpose of parapedicular screw fixation in the upper and middle thoracic spine. To evaluate the feasibility and application accuracy of parapedicuar screw insertion with the assistance of an optoelectronic navigation system. Because of anatomic limitations, thoracic pedicle screw insertion in the upper and middle thoracic spine remains a matter of controversy. The technique of parapedicular screw insertion has been described as an alternative, although the exact screw position is difficult to control. With the assistance of computer navigation for the screw placement, it might become possible to overcome these challenges. Four human specimens were harvested for this study; 6-mm screws were inserted from T2 to T8 with the assistance of a CT-based optoelectronic navigation system. During surgery virtual images of the screw position were documented and compared with postoperative contact radiographs to determine the application accuracy. The following measurements were obtained: axial and sagittal screw angles as well as the screw distances to the anterior vertebral cortex and the medial pedicle wall. All 54 screws were inserted in a parapedicular technique without violation of the medial pedicle wall or the anterior or lateral vertebral cortex. The mean ± standard deviation difference between the virtual images and the radiographs was 1.0 ± 0.94 mm for the distance to the medial pedicle wall and 1.9 ± 1.44 mm for the distance to the anterior cortex. The angular measurements showed a difference of 1.6 ± 1.1° for the transverse screw angle and 2.1 ± 1.6° for the sagittal screw orientation. With the assistance of computer navigation it is possible to achieve a safe and reliable parapedicular screw insertion in the upper and middle thoracic spine in vitro. The application accuracy varies for the linear and angular measurements and is higher in the axial than in the sagittal plane. It is important for the surgeon to understand these limitations when using computer navigation in spinal surgery.