The principal adiabatic and isothermal elastic moduli and elastic constants of NaCl, KCl and MgO have been measured over the temperature ranges 80°K to 270°K (Balamuth and Rose) and 270°K to 480°K for NaCl; 80°K to 280°K for KCl; and 80°K to 560°K for MgO. The Debye characteristic temperatures of these substances at 80°K, calculated from the adiabatic elastic constants, are 320°K, 246°K and 946°K, respectively. The variation of the isothermal c11 and c44 with temperature is described very accurately by the formula: (cii)u=(cii)0exp(AiiFii(u)), where u=(Tθ), T is the absolute temperature and θ the characteristic temperature, (cii)0 denotes the value at absolute zero, Aii is a constant of the material, and Fii(u) is a function of u which assumes the value unity when u=1, and which is the same for all three substances. Experimental values of F11(u) and F44(u) are given for values of u between 0.1 and 1.5. The isothermal c12 does not vary with temperature, over the specified ranges, by more than the error of measurement.