Clinical and Biochemical Variation and Family Studies in the Multiple Acyl-CoA Dehydrogenation Disorders

We report clinical and biochemical studies in patients with multiple acyl-CoA dehydrogenation disorders (MAD) and their parents. A severely affected (MAD:S) patient presented with neonatal acidosis leading to death and excreted a wide range of straight- and branched-chain acyl CoA derivatives. Two patients with mild variants of the same disorder (MAD:M) presented with neurologic abnormalities, acidotic coma, and/or poor growth; they primarily excreted ethylmalonate and variable amounts of adipate. Fibroblasts from the MAD:S patient demonstrated severely defective radiolabeled substrate oxidation, while the MAD:M cells had milder oxidative defects. Fibroblasts from two other MAD:M and six other MAD:S patients demonstrated analogous defects in substrate oxidation. As a group, MAD:S cells deficient in electron transfer flavoprotein:ubiquinone oxidoreductase had significantly lower residual oxidative activities than did MAD:S cells deficient in electron transfer flavoprotein. Fibroblasts from the parents of four MAD:S patients oxidized radiolabeled substrates significantly less effectively than did normal infant controls but were indistinguishable from normal adult cells. We found relatively higher residual oxidative activities in maternal than in paternal cells. Amniocytes from a fetus at risk for MAD:S catabolized labeled substrates normally; the infant has been clinically and biochemically normal up to 30 months of age.

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