Deltaic sedimentation in the Lake Hazar pull‐apart basin, south‐eastern Turkey

Lake Hazar lies within a small pull‐apart basin along the East Anatolian Transform Fault in south‐eastern Turkey. Deltas are formed where streams debouch into the low‐energy lacustrine environment. The facies constituting the deltas include delta plain debris flow, braided stream, and marginal lacustrine deposits; delta front foreset and mouth bar deposits; prodelta and lacustrine deposits. The facies are spatially restricted with sharp transitions. Facies sequences and relationships indicate two distinct styles of deltaic sedimentation. Fan deltas with a tripartite structure characteristic of Gilbert‐type deltas comprise the marginal drainage system and form along the basin margins. Mouth bar deltas develop where the axial drainage system of the basin debouches into the lake. The distribution of the two deltaic types is thought to be a function of gradient and controlled by position relative to faults within the basin.