The immunocytochemical localization of superoxide dismutase in the enterocytes of the avian intestine: The effect of vitamin D3

Both light microscopical and electron microscopical immunocytochemical techniques were utilized to localize CuZnsuperoxide dismutase (SOD) in the duodenum of normal, rachitic and vitamin-D3-replete chicks. This enzyme catalyses the dismutation of the superoxide anion, a toxic free radical generated during the normal aerobic metabolism of most respiring cells. Light microscopy showed no SOD activity associated with the duodenal enterocytes of normal and rachitic chicks. However, in rachitic animals subsequently treated with vitamin D, i.e. vitamin-D-replete chicks, intense immunoreactivity for the enzyme was seen in association with the apical border of the duodenal absorptive cells. Immunostaining for SOD was not seen in goblet cells. With electron microscopy, immunostaining for SOD activity was identified in association with the apical microvilli and, to a lesser degree, with the terminal web, a well as in association with both lysosomes and peroxisomes. From this report it appears that there is a physiological relationship between vitamin D, SOD and the intestinal absorptive cell. However, the precise relationship must await further clarification.