Theory of spin-orbit and many-body effects on the Knight shift

We derive an expression for the Knight shift (K) in solids, including spin-orbit and many-body effects. We construct in k space, using the Bloch representation, the equation of motion of the Green's function in the presence of a periodic potential, spin-orbit interaction, external magnetic field, and electron-nuclear hyperfine interaction. We use a finite-temperature Green's-function method where the thermodynamic potential is expressed in terms of the exact one-particle propagator G, and we derive a general expression for K. Our result for the Knight shift is expressed as K=Ko+Ks+Kso, where Ko and Ks are the usual orbital and spin contributions to K modified by the spin-orbit and many-body contributions and where Kso, which is nonzero only when spin-orbit interaction is taken into account, is a new contribution to K which had been overlooked in the earlier theories. If we make simple approximations for the self-energy, our expression for Ko reduces to the earlier results. If we make drastic assumptions while solving the matrix integral equations for the field-dependent part of the self-energy, our expression for Ks is equivalent to the earlier results for the exchange-enhanced Ks but with the free-electron g factor replaced by the effective g factor. A novel feature of our analysis is that while some of the terms in Kso have exchange enhancement effects similar to those of Ks, except that the exchange enhancement parameters are different, the other terms in Kso become modified similar to Ko. Thus because of the mixed character of these terms, the exchange and correlation effects on Kso cannot be interpreted in an intuitive way. In order to calculate the importance of the new contribution Kso, we apply our theory to calculate the Knight shift of Pb207 in p-type PbTe with small hole concentrations. Our results, which agree with experimental results, indicate that Kso is of the same order of magnitude and has the same sign as Ks and is about 3 orders of magnitude larger than Ko. Thus Kso, the new contribution to the Knight shift that we have calculated, is important for solids with large effective g factors and should contribute a significant fraction of their total Knight shift.