Reaction of silicon difluoride with halogens: a reinvestigation

Reactions of SiF2 with halogens have been reinvestigated by both co-condensation and gas-phase methods. The co-condensation method yields a number of fluorohalogenosilanes including mono-, di-, and higher silane derivatives. These compounds contain SiF, SiF2, and SiF3 units. The reactivity towards SiF2 decreases from chlorine through bromine to iodine. While chlorine and bromine give rise to a number of fluorohalogenosilanes, iodine yields only the monosilane derivatives. In contrast, the gas-phase reactions do not progress to any appreciable extent. The products have been characterized by mass spectrometry and 19F and 29Si n.m.r. spectroscopy. Many have been identified for the first time.

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