Effect of dietary supplements of guar gum and cellulose on intestinal cell proliferation, enzyme levels and sugar transport in the rat

1. Male Wistar rats (approximately 200 g) were given fibre-free semi-synthetic diets containing either sucrose (S) or a sucrose-starch mixture (SS) as the carbohydrate component, or a diet similar to SS containing 40 g guar gum/kg (G), or 100 g cellulose/kg (C). The animals remained healthy, and weight gain after 30 d was similar in all groups.2. The small intestines of the animals given diet G were significantly longer than those of the other groups, and showed signs of increased mitotic activity and mucosal growth.3. No significant differences in mucosal enzyme activity were detected between the two fibre-free control groups. Lactase (EC3.2.1.23) and alkaline phosphatase (EC3.1.3.1) activities were significantly lower than controls in group G, but were higher in group C.4. Kinetic analysis of 3-O-methyl glucose uptake by isolated intestine indicated that the maximum transport rate (Vmax) of tissue from group G tended to be lower than from the fibre-free group SS and group C.5. It is concluded that materials which are classed as dietary fibre but which differ markedly in their physical properties may also differ in the functional changes to which they give rise in the small intestine. These changes may be at least partially mediated by effects on mucosal cell proliferation.