Factors Affecting Resistance of Selected Alfalfa Clones to the Potato Leafhopper1

Time of development, survival, and plant preference of potato leafhopper nymphs, Empoasca fabae (Harris), were investigated for 15 selected alfalfa clones in the greenhouse, laboratory, and environmental control chamber. Results indicated significant differences among clones for length of nymphal development and nymphal feeding preference. A significant correlation was observed between long nymphal development and reduced nymphal survival. Additional studies indicated differences within the same clones for adult oviposition preference, plant yellowing resulting from both nymphal and adult feeding, and nymphal populations occurring under natural field infestations. Significant correlations were shown between plant color changes and nymphal populations, plant color changes and oviposition preference, as well as between nymphal populations and oviposition preference. The authors describe a new technique involving exposure of potted plants for a short time in the field to determine antibiosis of alfalfa clones to the potato leafhopper.

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