Influence of chain flexibility and crosslink density on mechanical properties of epoxy/amine networks

Blends of a bisphenol A diglycidyl ether prepolymer and an aliphatic diepoxy diluent crosslinked with a cycloaliphatic diamine were studied. These model networks have the characteristic that the crosslink density and the chain flexibility increase with the amount of diluent. These combined effects were studied by observing their mechanical properties. The decreases in the Young's modulus and the ultrasonic modulus were associated with the secondary thermomechanical relaxations that have been recorded and identified. Pre‐plastic and plastic behaviors were discussed in terms of flexibility and crosslink density. A linear relationship was established between pre‐plastic activation volume and crosslink density at temperatures lower than the activation of molecular chain motions responsible for the sub‐Tg relaxations. At 0°C, a temperature above these secondary transitions, the higher the flexibility, the more defect nucleation and propagation increased. The work hardening rate and the upper yield stress decreased as the amount of diluent was increased. Fracture toughness was improved as the amount of diluent was increased. Crack propagation was related to the ability of the networks to deform plastically.