Fatty Acid Formula Supplementation and Neuromotor Development in Rhesus Monkey Neonates

Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) is an omega-3 fatty acid that is highly concentrated in CNS tissues. Although breast milk contains the fatty acids DHA and arachidonic acid, infant formulas marketed in North America do not contain these nutrients. The potential deleterious effects of rearing infants with formulas devoid of these nutrients was assessed by comparing nursery-reared rhesus macaque infants (Macaca mulatta) fed standard formula with infants fed standard formula supplemented with physiologically relevant concentrations of DHA (1.0%) and arachidonic acid (1.0%). Neurobehavioral assessments were conducted on d 7, 14, 21, and 30 of life using blinded raters. The 30-min assessment consisted of 45 test items measuring orienting, temperament, reflex capabilities, and motor skills. Plasma concentrations of DHA in standard formula-fed infants were significantly lower than those fed supplemented formula or mother-raised (breast-fed) infants; however, infants fed the supplemented formula exhibited higher arachidonic acid levels than either mother-reared infants or infants fed standard formula. Infant monkeys fed the supplemented formula exhibited stronger orienting and motor skills than infants fed the standard formula, with the differences most pronounced during d 7 and 14. This pattern suggests an earlier maturation of specific visual and motor abilities in the supplemented infants. Supplementation did not affect measures of activity or state control, indicating no effect on temperament. These data support the assertion that preformed DHA and arachidonic acid in infant formulas are required for optimal development.