Qualitative Analysis of Waste-Water from Ametryne Production

S-Triazines in waste-water from the synthesis of ametryne (2-(ethylamino)4[(1-methylethyl) amino]-6-(methylthio)-l,3,5-triazine) were tentatively identified co-chromatographically by HPLC and by UV-spectra. Alkylated s-triazines (e.g. hydroxyametryne, 4-(ethylamino)-6-(methylthio)-1,3,5-triazine-2(1H)-one, and N-ethylammelide) were isolated by preparative chromatography on a reversed phase support, and were identified by mass spectrometry. Putative cyanuric acid was desalted on activated charcoal and its identity confirmed as the silylated derivative by GLC.