Diagnosis and procedure-specific survival among transfusion of recipients in 1993 and 2000, Orebro County, Sweden

Survival rates in patients transfused in 1993 and 2000 were compared in relation to diagnoses and surgical interventions. Blood centre and hospital records of all patients transfused from March to May in Orebro County in 1993 (n = 932) and 2000 (n = 990), were matched with the national register of deaths. Relative risk of death within 1 year, adjusted for diagnoses, operations and other confounders in patients transfused in 2000 compared to 1993 was 0.78 (CI 0.66-0.91). Among those transfused 1993, 39% were alive after 7 years. The improved survival among those transfused in 2000 could not be accounted for by differences in ages or case-mix.