Connected-diagram expansions of effective Hamiltonians in incomplete model spaces. II. The general incomplete model space

We generalize here the formalism of the preceeding paper to encompass the case of the general incomplete model space. The classification of operators as diagonal or nondiagonal depends in this case upon the specific m‐valence model space. It is stressed that even then one has to work in Fock space in order to get connected‐diagram expansions, since connectedness is a Fock space property. Two choices of separable normalization of the wave operator W leading to a connected Heff are discussed. It is shown that the intermediate normalization is not separable in general and hence not compatible with a connected‐diagram expansion. We also discuss how to generate ‘‘subduced’’ incomplete model spaces of lower particle rank such that Heff remains a valid effective Hamiltonian for these subduced model spaces as well. We discuss the nature of the various disconnected diagrams encountered in many‐body formalisms and point out which of these are really worth worrying about. We finally comment on the question of the separability of the wave function into proper fragments.