Depletion of MAP2 expression and laminar cytoarchitectonic changes in dorsolateral prefrontal cortex in adult autistic individuals

The neuropathological substrates underlying the characteristic clinical phenotype of autism are unknown. Neuroimaging studies have identified a decrease in task-related activation in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex in autism. In the current study, we have analysed the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex in two adult individuals with a clinical diagnosis of autism, using Nissl staining and MAP2 immunohistochemistry. There was unchanged density of both neuronal and glial cell pools, although the autistic individuals had ill-defined neocortical cellular layers, substantially depleted MAP2 neuronal expression, and reduced dendrite numbers. Further studies on a larger number of individuals with autism are needed to establish the clinical relevance of the described changes, especially to determine whether the loss of dendritic markers is age associated or disease specific.