Transient behavior of theM/M/1 queue via Laplace transforms

This paper shows how the Laplace transform analysis of Bailey (1954), (1957) can be continued to yield additional insights about the time-dependent behavior of the queue-length process in theM/M/1 model. A transform factorization is established that leads to a decomposition of the first moment as a function of time into two monotone components. This factorization facilitates developing approximations for the moments and determining their asymptotic behavior as. All descriptions of the transient behavior are expressed in terms of basic building blocks such as the first-passage-time distributions. The analysis is facilitated by appropriate scaling of space and time so that regulated or reflected Brownian motion (RBM) appears as the special case in which the traffic intensity ρ equals the critical value 1. An operational calculus is developed for obtainingM/M/1 results directly from corresponding RBM results as well as vice versa. The analysis thus provides useful insight about RBM approximations for queues.

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