Rearrangement collisions in highly excited states of atomic hydrogen

A new straightforward method for the evaluation of the rearrangement-scattering amplitude has been proposed to study the following reactions: H++H(1s)H(nlm)+H+; e++H(1s)(e+e)(nlm)+H+, 2n and l=0,1, in the first Born approximation embodying the full interacting potential. A contour-integral representation has been used for the Laguerre polynomial that occurs in the final-state wave function. The amplitude containing only the electron-nucleus interaction has been evaluated analytically. But the amplitude for the projectile nucleus interaction involves a contour integration on a circular path, and this integral can easily be evaluated numerically. To provide an estimate of the asymptotic cross section, expressions for the transition amplitudes when n have also been given. It is shown explicitly that the charge-exchange cross sections asymptotically obey the inverse n-cube law irrespective of the incident energy. In proton-hydrogen collisions our computed results for the low-lying discrete states show excellent agreement with the earlier theoretical values of Mapleton and those of Band as well. For positronium (Ps) formation all the reported results, except for the 2s excitation, are quite new. Zeros of the angular distributions are seen to be almost independent of the principal quantum number n, but dependent only on the projectile energy. n3σ shows regular smooth behavior with increasing n, and the results for n=18 and n agree within 0.5% throughout the energy range considered.

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