The Wigner-Weyl (WW) phase-space formulation of quantum mechanics is discussed within the Liouville-space formalism, where quantum operators A^ are viewed as vectors, represented by L kets ‖A^>>, on which act ‘‘superoperators’’; the scalar product is A^‖B^>>=TrA^°B^. With every operator A^, we associate commutation and anticommutation superoperators A^ and A^+, defined by their actions on any operator B^ as A^B^=ħ1[A^,B^], A^+B^=1/2(A^B^+B^A^). The WW representation corresponds to the choice of a special basis in Liouville space, namely, the eigenbasis of the position and momentum anticommutation superoperators q^+ and p^+ (where [q^,p^]=iħ). These, together with the commutation superoperators q^ and p^, form a canonical set of superoperators, [q^+,p^]=[q^,p^+]=i (the other commutators vanishing), as functions of which all other super- operators can be expressed. Weyl ordering is expressed as f(q^,p^)Weyl ordering=f(q^+,p^+)1^. A generalization of Ehrenfest’s theorem is obtained.