Testing local Lorentz invariance of gravity with binary-pulsar data

As gravity is a long-range force, one might a priori expect the Universe’s global matter distribution to select a preferred rest frame for local gravitational physics. Two parameters α1 and α2 suffice to describe the phenomenology of preferred-frame effects on post-Newtonian gravity. One of them has already been very tightly constrained (‖α2‖<2.4×107). We show here that binary-pulsar data provide a bound on the other one (‖α1‖<5.0×104, 90% C.L.) which is quantitatively comparable to previous solar-system limits, but qualitatively more powerful because it is derived for systems comprising strong-gravitational-field regions. Our results correct a previous claim that α1 could be very tightly constrained via a purported semisecular effect in the orbital period of binary pulsars.