The (p, d) (d, t) Process in Strong (p, t) Reactions

The two-step (p, d) (d, t) process in strong (p, t) transitions, 48Ca(p, t)46Ca(0+, g.s.; 2+, 1.34 MeV) at 20 MeV and 40 MeV and 116Sn(p, t) 114Sn(0+, g.s.) at 20 MeV are investigated in terms of “second order DWBA” with finite-range calculations of the non-orthogonality term of the transition matrix element. In all the cases investigated, the contribution of the two-step process is as much as that of the one-step process. The cross sections of the Ca transitions are well accounted for by the one-step plus tow-step mechanism. For the Sn transition, a strong enhancement of the two-step amplitude is found. It is as much and due to essentially the same mechanism as the well-known enhancement of the one-step amplitude cased by the pairing correlation in the BCS ground states of the Sn nuclei.

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