Hypertrichosis terminalis, gingival hyperplasia, and a characteristic face: A new distinct entity

Congenital generalized hypertrichosis terminalis has been described in association with other features as gingival hyperplasia, osteochondrodysplasia, and a dysmorphic face. Bondeson and Miles [1993: Am J Med Genet 47:198–212] described a woman with universal congenital hypertrichosis terminalis associated with gingival hyperplasia; the face of this patient was coarse and different from other forms of hypertrichosis described before. We present an 11‐year, 6‐month‐old girl with universal congenital hypertrichosis terminalis, gingival hyperplasia, and a characteristic coarse face resembling the patient described by Bondeson and Miles [1993: Am J Med Genet 47:198–212]. We propose that this type of congenital generalized hypertrichosis terminalis, associated with gingival hyperplasia and a coarse face, is a distinctive new entity.