A new EPR spectrum, labeled SiS1, has been observed in electron- or neutron-irradiated, n- or p-type, crucible-grown silicon under illumination with approximately band-gap light. The SiS1 spectrum consists primarily of a fine-structure spectrum and a Si29 hyperfine spectrum. By incorporating O17 atoms into vacuum-float-zone silicon by ion implantation, the SiS1 O17 hyperfine spectrum was also observed. An analysis of the coupling tensors in the spin Hamiltonian which characterize the fine structure and Si29 hyperfine spectrum is presented and suggests that the SiS1 center is the neutral charge state of the one-vacancy-oxygen center in an excited spin-triplet state. This model for the SiS1 center is in agreement with stress measurements, which are also presented. These measurements indicate that the time-temperature dependence in the reorientation of the SiS1 center is the same as that of the neutral one-vacancy-oxygen center as monitored by the SiB1 spectrum.