Determination of the proton affinity from the kinetics of proton transfer reactions. V. The equilibrium H+3+Kr ? KrH++H2 and the relative proton affinity of Kr and H2

The position of the equilibrium in the proton transfer reaction H3++Kr ? KrH++H2 was investigated with a flowing afterglow apparatus at 296±2 °K. Lower limits of ≳ 1×10−10 and ≳ 1×10−11 cm3 molecule−1⋅sec−1 were determined for the rate constants of the forward and reverse directions, respectively. Equilibrium was achieved in both directions and a value of 17±3 was determined for the equilibrium constant at 296±2 °K. This corresponds to a ΔG°296 = −1.67±0.12 kcal mole−1 and leads to a proton affinity difference PA(H2)−PA(Kr) = −0.017±0.012 eV molecule−1.

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