A fine structural study of the testicular wall and spermatogenesis in the crinoid,Florometra serratissima (Echinodermata)

The testicular wall and the process of spermatogenesis in the crinoid, Florometra serratissima, has been studied at the fine structural level. The testicular wall is composed of three layers: a perivisceral layer consisting of nerve processes, muscle fibers, and epithelial cells; a haemal sinus containing haemal fluid, collagen-like fibers, and haemocytes; and a germinal layer consisting of germinal and interstitial cells. The germinal layer is elaborated into numerous folds that project into the lumen of the testis and a branch of the haemal channel extends through the core of each fold. Evidence suggesting that nutrients are carried to the testis and germinal cells via the haemal system is presented. Spermatogonia are concentrated around the base of each fold and spermatocytes line the more distal regions. Spermatids occur at the luminal surface of the germinal layer and spermatozoa fill the testicular lumen. Interstitial cells phagocytize spermatozoa and may also transfer nutrients to spermatids. The nucleus of spermatogonia is large and contains one or two nucleoli. The cytoplasm contains numerous organelles, lipid granules, and a distal and proximal centriole, each with a satellite complex. A striated rootlet extends from the distal centriole. During first meiotic prophase, the distal centriole loses its striated rootlet and produces a flagellum, the proximal centriole loses its satellite complex, the nucleolus disappears, and proacrosomal vesicles are synthesized by the Golgi complex. During spermiogenesis, most of the mitochondria appear to fuse to form a single, large mitochondrion, the nuclear chromatin condenses, and superfluous cytoplasm is lost by autophagocytosis. The formation and definitive positioning of the acrosomal vesicle and periacrosomal material at the apex of the nucleus is described in detail.