A new algorithm for analyzing position uncertainties of two parts in an assembly is proposed if certain shape variations of the parts are allowed by tolemnces. This algom”thm is applicable to 2 dimensional polygon models of machine parts, for ezample sections of polyhedron parts in an assembly. The analysis is realized by computing a variation bound of the configuration of the parts if nonnominal parts allowed by the tolerance satisfy the positioning condition in an assembly. Different from the pn’or approach, proposed method does not assume any specific deviation types of the nonnominal part. Since allowable geomettic variations of individ. ual parts are relatively small in comparison with their nominal geometry, van”ations of the conjigumtion are expected to be small also. Based on this assumption, ‘bounding polygon” and “bounded polygon” based algorithm is developed for computing the vam”ation bound in the octree representation. The algorithm is implemented and examples are shown.

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